What are the causes of hair loss?

Although it is more common in men, the most common cause of hair loss in women is based on genetic factors. Environmental factors, stress, dietary patterns or hormonal changes can also cause hair loss. Various diseases such as ringworm, alopecia also cause hair loss. can cause.

By whom should the hair transplant be done?

It should not be forgotten that hair transplantation is a surgical operation. It should be applied by plastic surgeons, dermatologists and physicians with a Medical Aesthetics Certificate approved by the Ministry of Health. Physicians’ expertise in this field should also be investigated.

Where should hair transplant operations be done?

Hair transplant operations are performed in hospitals licensed by the Ministry of Health, surgical medical centers, surgical intervention rooms with fully sterilization conditions.

At what age should Hair Transplantation be done?

Although there is no age limit for the operations, hair transplantation is not recommended before the age of 22 because hair loss will not be completed. There is no upper age limit for hair transplantation as long as the health condition and the adequacy of the donor area allow.

Can body hair be used in hair transplantation?

Hair transplantation is done primarily with the hair follicles on the back of the head, which we call the donor area, in the upper part of the neck. However, if there is not enough roots in this area, the body hair can be collected and transplanted. Since it is the region with the closest root to its roots, it can be transplanted from the chest. Similarly, if there is a suitable donor in the beard area, the roots can be removed and used for transplantation.

Will there be hair loss in transplanted hair?

Although it is guaranteed that the hair transplanted will not shed for a lifetime, the number of transplanted hair may decrease after years. change to the person.

Will the entire open area on our head be closed with a 1-session operation?

Genetic hair loss seen in men and women may progress depending on the age at which the shedding begins and the open area may increase. Even if genetic shedding stops for a few months or a few years, the biological process will continue. If there is not enough hair in the area, the entire open area cannot be covered. In such cases, a second operation may be recommended depending on the suitability of the donor areas.

Is there a risk of hair transplant operation?

For people who do not have a general health problem, there is no complication other than crusting and redness in the first 10 days of the operation. Operation risk; However, as a result of the unconscious emptying of the donor area in the operations performed by non-physicians, the nape part is destroyed and the grafts taken can be damaged. hair may not grow.

What is the most important stage of the hair transplant operation?

Although many surgeons say, canal opening, this is not true. It is very important that the grafts collected during the operation are collected by the doctor without damaging the roots. Otherwise, the grafts with damaged roots will not be able to hold, even if the opened channels are at the right angle. Channel opening, which is the second stage after the root extraction process, should be opened by considering the thickness and length of the grafts collected by the doctor.The third stage, the transplantation stage, is also very important because the channels opened in accordance with the collected grafts are placed in a single movement without damaging the grafts. The 3rd stage should be done by the nurse or anesthesia technicians who have been trained by a doctor.

Will hair transplantation be successful in the vertex area?

The crown is an area with less blood vessels and more difficult to feed than the front. If PRP is applied during the operation and in the first 3 and 6 months following, the success in the hill region is equivalent to other regions.

Will the hair transplant operations be more successful in thick hair or thin hair?

The channels to be opened in the area where the transplantation will be made are very important. The frequency and direction of the channels to be opened according to the person’s hair type will help the hair transplantation look natural after the procedure. It is not about thin hair, but about the channel opened by the doctor.

How long is the operation time?

The duration of the hair transplantation process may vary depending on the amount of grafts to be transplanted to the person. An operation with approximately 3500 grafts will take 6-7 hours. During the procedure, our patients can read books, watch television and listen to music.

What should be done before the hair transplant operation?

It is recommended that the person does not smoke before the hair transplantation operation and even during the 10-day recovery period. If blood thinners and vitamin E are used 3 days before the operation, you should consult your doctor. You should come with a light breakfast in the morning of the operation. it is recommended not to drink.

Can people with diabetes have hair transplantation?

For people who use medication and have a normal sugar level, there is no harm in having a hair transplant operation provided that they get approval from their doctor before the hair transplant operation.

Can hair be transplanted in burns and scars?

Yes, it can be transplanted. However, if there is tissue damage in the skin, if sufficient oxygen cannot be provided, there may be a possibility that the transplanted hair will not grow.

What is a graft?

Tissues containing hair follicles are called grafts. Grafts can contain hair follicles in single, double, triple or multiple groups depending on the hair structure of the person.

Can hair transplant be done in summer?

Hair transplant operation is easily done 12 months of the year. In summer, sun rays are strong, it is recommended to protect from sun and wear a hat for the first 10 days after the operation. After 10 days, you can swim in the sea.

How is planning in hair transplantation?

Hair transplantation planning is the process of determining how the most appropriate amount of hair follicles that can be taken from the donor area of ​​the person will be distributed to the areas with openings in the hair of the person. The transplantation process is started after the doctor determines which and how many roots will be transplanted to the area to be closed according to the number determined. It is decided where the hairline should start. It is ensured that the most appropriate and aesthetic hair design is achieved for the person’s facial structure and age.

What is the DHI method?

DHI stands for” Direct Hair Implamantation. It means the direct implantation of the hair. This method, unlike the classical FUE, does not open the channel before the hair transplantation, the hair is transplanted with special needles called Implanter. Hair transplantation process consists of 3 stages: -Hair collection -Canal opening -Sowing In DHI method, the canal opening and transplantation process are performed at the same time. In a hair transplant operation performed with an implanter pen, the grafts collected are separated from the tissue pieces and placed into the pen one by one. This placement should be done carefully.

When will the transplanted hair grow?

The transplanted hair follicles go into sleep phase for 3 months. 30% of the transplanted hair grows in the 3rd month. The process is targeted and takes place at the end of the 9th month.

Can you briefly explain why men experience such an intense hair loss (baldness)?

Androgenetic Alopecia is the most common type of hair loss in men. The main reason for this type of hair loss is due to the genetically determined sensitivity of the hair follicles against the male hormone called dihydrotestosterone. In male pattern hair loss, gradual hair loss following a pronounced shape is observed in the forehead or middle part of the head. The hair strands first become thinner, their color lightens, becomes sparse, and finally the hair follicle disappears completely.

Between the average ages of a man starts to be bald? When does the openings occur?

What is the type and shape of the openings? There is no direct proportion between age and hair loss. If the person has a genetic predisposition, hair loss can start even in his 20s. Hair thinning is seen in approximately 25 percent of them.For men aged 50, this rate may increase up to 50 percent. The shedding occurs most intensely between the ages of 25-35. After the age of 45, hair loss is expected to decrease, rarely in the 40s. there are also hair loss that begins and continues rapidly.

What should be considered before hair transplantation?

The hair circle between the two ears is defined as” permanent hair “. These hair follicles have no genetic susceptibility to dihydrotestosterone and survive for life. Most healthy adult men with sufficient hair in the donor area are suitable for hair transplantation. It can be applied to all age groups. There are two types of hair surgery techniques used today. It is taken as a narrow strip from the scalp between the two ears. After the procedure, a thin scar remains in the hairy area. This is a method used in previous years compared to the second method. FUE (Folicular Unit Extraction) is another method used in the treatment of hair loss. of individual follicular units It is obtained by taking it with a special tool. The advantage of the method is that the location of the roots, which are removed one by one, is not clear, that is, there is no scar. The disadvantage is that the intervention can only be made after the hair has been shaved with zero number. In both FUT and FUE methods, hair follicles are placed in their new places with the same technique. But not every patient can get good results from every method. Many factors such as hair density in the donor area, looseness of the scalp, hair loss type, hair color, wavy or straight hair play a role in determining which method is suitable for a patient. Only a specialist doctor can decide whether the patient is a good candidate for a hair transplant operation. The doctor’s experience and knowledge of hair transplantation is the most important factor in the success of the operation.

What should be considered after hair transplantation?

Thin crusting occurs after the operation. These scabs are shed like dandruff and are cleaned a little more every day when washed. They disappear completely after about eight to ten days. It is possible to continue daily life and work by wearing a hat during this period. or there is no point that needs attention. Hair starts to grow in the first three months. One year after the hair transplant, the intended final appearance is achieved. After a good hair transplant, the transplanted roots cannot be distinguished by the naked eye.

What kind of advice do you give to men who scrape their hair due to openings?

How to use products? Scratching of hair does not prevent hair loss. On the contrary, the daily or frequent scraping process makes the scalp thinner gradually, the thinning scalp loses its quality by not feeding the hair follicle. We can say that a man who shaves his hair every day throughout the year will completely lose his hair follicles. We recommend men who like short hair to shave their hair with a zero number once a week. Men who cut their hair short can apply hair remedies from pharmacies to their skin more easily.

In which cases hair transplantation is not performed?

What would you recommend in such a situation? Hair transplantation cannot be applied to people who do not have sufficient number of roots in the donor area. Hair transplantation is not recommended for people whose hair thinning is still very uncertain and who takes blood thinners during the treatment of severe chronic diseases. There are no men who are late. Even when the donor area is limited, some hair transplant concepts can be applied to make the person feel better. In this concept, shading some areas instead of transplanting hair to the whole head are small operations that improve the patient’s morale and make his face smile.

Advice to men from Dr. Canan Melike KÖKSÜZ:

Hair loss is a lifelong dynamic process. It cannot be predicted when it will stop or slow down. If the drugs can be used for a period of 5 to 8 years, the existing hair can be protected during this time. There are men who do not take medication with the thought that my hair will shed somehow. Our advice to these people is to evaluate their hair like teeth that require constant care. Just as we brush our teeth every day and do their daily care, we should approach our hair with the same care and protect it by continuing its treatment every day.